Monday, December 28, 2009

Do critics help the world?

Thank you for the great comments!
Please answer any number of the following 4

1- Do you believe in using critics as fuel to push your own efforts forward? Shoving success in the critics face.
2- Do you believe in the statement “the greatest source of learning often comes from our harshest critics”?
3- How do you view the quote “the world is happy to give you their definition of failure” as it relates to criticism?
4- What viewpoints do you have regarding the subject of criticism?

Extra reading bellow:
JK Rawling of Harry Potter fame inspired #3– Did you know that was from JK Rawling during her speech to Harvard?


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Girls fighting gives back to the world.

The following is a girls non-profit boxing group that promotes boxing for young girls.

You can click the following link:

Answer any number of the following: There are no wrong answers and I really want to know each and every person's opinions and thoughts on this. Thank you for the continued sharing.

1-What do you think of this as a form of charity?

2-Does this send a bad message to girls or does it raise the esteem of young girls?

3-Is this just a way to set up a payday for women to go into MMA fighting eventually?

4-Should girls be boxing at all?

The next post will be on the 29th of December 2009 which is a Tuesday or sooner.